"Pigs are cute". RPK was charged with Sedition at the PJ Magistrate Court 1 at noon today. Trial date: Oct 6-10, 2008. The Malaysia Today Editor is being defended by 7 lawyers. There were 4 Members of Parliament at the Court for RPK: Wan Azizah, Karpal Singh, Gobind Deo, and William Leong. RPK declined to post bail today. Gobind says "we will appeal to the rakyat to contribute to a fund to raise bail for Raja Petra." RPK will spend time in Sungei Buloh from today until a time when the RM5000 is raised and posted.
Bro Rocky, May I suggest you start a blogger's trust fund managed under Blog house. I'm sure for RPK, the 5K can be raised in a matter of hours. Bloggers are constantly being targeted by tyrants and dictators. Bloggers' fund can be used to replace notebooks or PC (I know bro.Haris and bro.RPK could do with a replacement)or for instant bail out such as RPK's case now. The fund will always be available for quick action. Think about it.
I dont see the needs to APPEAL FROM THE SUFFERING RAKYAT for money to put RPK on bail.
It was of his (RPK) own agenda and doing. Be it personally influenced or politically motivated. He should bear the consequences.
He should now more than ever, reflects the very integrity of the words RESPONSIBLE MALAYSIAN championed by him and his political associates, and not asking the Rakyat to involve in this seditious act of him and him alone.
The Rakyat have more of needs in that $5k rather to spend on this ridiculous endeavor of one man show whom will latter claimed all the credits to himself and friends.
Surely, RPK and his rich friends can afford that $5k. Why asking from the SUFFERING RAKYAT? Its just another act of saying that the Rakyat are all behind RPK. That is why the Rakyat are willing to donate the money. Stop this game for the sake of the SUFFERING RAKYAT. Think others who are really in need of the money and can make better use of it, than this selfish act of propagating for the benefit of one man named RPK. Even $1 can means a whole huge diff between a meal and a dying child.
Stop begging and be like a man you so often used to describe yourself are.
well...5000 is cheap. why would not any of the attended MPs fronted their own money? that karpal is worth... 1 million?
after all i thought they were friends? no. brothers. how can brotherhood is defined by 5000RM cash? impossible
as much as i like his exposures on high profilers and people upstairs, i dont think he is entitled to do WHATEVER he wants. and he still to be bounded by the laws.
and 7 lawyers representing him?
OJ Simpsons did not have that many last time. (and still he got away)
sungai buloh ? together with razak baginda ? great! now he can interbiu first-hand personally with baginda to get the real scenario to let the whole malaysians know what's going on actually - the insider's story. what a awesome journalist .....
RPK has to prove that whatever he has said is truth nothing but the truth in the court of law. He can no longer hide behind a server which located overseas as he always said.
7 lawyers can ensure he will get a fair trial.
If he come out clean, he will be remembered as a hero of the cyber age, but if he could not prove himself right (Or just keep quiet), thats the end of his era....
Many of us believed in what you have wrote, we hope you can prove to the court the same...Good luck to RPK...
i think you got it wrong. the donations should exceeded more than RM5,000 by now (judging from malaysia-today update), it is RPK refuse to pay bail for whatever reason (u should know better since u r close to him) & many support his action too!
to wakmasnoor, you are right, "RM1-walk with RPK" is an act that we support RPK for justice course, RM1 is that too much a burden? mind you, justice is priceless, too sad we can't find it in M'sia. you are poor man! keep you RM1 and shut up! Winn
Some blog readers don't seem to get the point about a RM1 donation. It's entirely symbolic and voluntary. I believe RM1x5000 would suggest approximately 5000 people support RPK in this endeavor. It's not about the money, it never is with RPK. It's about mobilizing public support. And those who support him will walk with him willingly. Those who do not, do us all a favor; please don't stand in the way.
1) Is RPK ia s patron saint for you people or what?
2) RM5k? political propaganda..RPK guy can buck himself out..
3) why must suddenly a so-called hero turn into beggar?
4) who are you people who try to speak on RPK behalf regarding this bail collection? Mau cilok duit rakyat ka serupa itu kempen derma anjuran org2 ****?
To all those who "read" wrongly,and are stating that Rocky may have misquoted, Rocky got it right, he stated RPK as "Malaysia Today" editor and mentions as a byline that "malaysiakini was shut down in 2003" being charged under the "sedition act"
By the way back to situation at hand, it's not about the RM 1 each from Netizens that RPK and Marina are soliciting from that's important or that they should bear responsibility for themselves at this crucial point in our country's history, all that is not important... The central core of this case is that RPK has the courage to report on what he feels is his opinion and that now the government, via it's justice system, finds what RPK said as "sedition". According to the New Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus, "SEDITION' is described as..."the inciting of hostility against the Government, likely to cause rebellion or insurrection, but not amounting to treason"
Now just two simple things should happen, for all those who have followed RPK and the rest of the Bloggers, we know that they were blogging and commenting on topics and subjects that most malaysians were unhappy about and that the mainstream media was quite one sided in their views, more often than not, being politically correct towards the Government of the day..with all that, we should be thankful to RPK and all the other Bloggers for being the first to start disseminating news that Malaysians really needed to hear about and not all the covering up of social, moral and political injustices by the mainstream media.
So whether or not, RPK and all the other bloggers have hidden agendas, or are being backed by so and so or whoever, the fact of the matter right now is RPK is willing to be imprisoned undefinitely, ( at least until the bail is posted) and that RPK is also resolutely standing by what he blogged about shows me just one simple fact, that RPK is exercising, freedom of speech and expression....and that is one of the most fundamental rights of any human being in our beautiful GOD blessed country Malaysia WHICH MANY OF US STILL LOVE AND CALL HOME, we may not like the politicians or the government of the day, that we have to take to the ballot boxes, and take it to the ballot boxes Malaysians did, as on march 8th, 2008, and so i would like to end by saying that now is the time to give thanks for a brave man like RPK and the blogging community who really put out their necks for a change and to seek justice, truth and freedom for all Malaysians who still call Malaysia, home... this is what standing together means, "United we stand, Divided we fall"..... let's all stand United for a Malaysia for all Malaysians.......that's a GOD given right all Malaysians have and that's the central core of what RPK is trying to promote, judging from most of his comments...( btw, the opinion above is strictly my own personal view and i did not get any permission from RPK or anyone else mentioned...)
wakmasnoor, just shut up and be on your way. Nobody is asking from you. RPK did not ask anyone to contribute and he is always The Man who unlike UMNO's leeches. You are still sleeping yeah?
Seeing RPK in that pic just about breaks my heart.....I pray Mrs. RPK will remain strong and steadfast during this trying period.
What is RM1? I think asking supporters to bank in RM1 per person is a brilliant way to show the strength of support RPK has from people from all walks of life who are basically FED-UP with this "going-nowhere-but-down" UMNO govn.
RM1 can't even buy me a decent meal at the mamak's but good enough for me to register my condemnation of the intimidating tactics employed by certain cowards to silence critics and whistle blowers.
wakmasnoor tolong lah..speak on yr own behalf - just like rpk!
He did not appeal to suffering rakyats to help him.
He did not ask us to defend him
But you know lah...there are a lot of idiots like me out here who don't know what to do with our RM1...so leave us alone to spend our money as we see (un)fit
I KNOW many prominent ppl who also don't know what to do with OUR millions either - they only end up acquiring jets, companies, properties, jewelleries, binis etc.. and do THEY listen to what we say?
you don't want to help...DON'T lah!
You have yr views & rights He has his views & rights I have my views & rights
Anyway I happen to have lots of reasons why I want to donate..but mainly because when I donate RM10, I can't smoke for a day..so I see RPK as helping ME quit smoking!
Bro Rocky, May I suggest you start a blogger's trust fund managed under Blog house. I'm sure for RPK, the 5K can be raised in a matter of hours. Bloggers are constantly being targeted by tyrants and dictators. Bloggers' fund can be used to replace notebooks or PC (I know bro.Haris and bro.RPK could do with a replacement)or for instant bail out such as RPK's case now. The fund will always be available for quick action. Think about it.
1:22 PM"
At first i really looking at Malaysia today as a non partisan blog but after sometime i'm now convinced that it is a mere opposition newslater. Why? Because they only do Government Bashing without limits. What we want from alternative media is an avenue to discuss topics with pro and con. Lots of opinion that is highlighted but with slight pro government but with true fact and figure will be rated low and blocked. So i'm happy that he is served with what he deserved today because if the court of law find that he is guilty of sedition charge then he should respect it. What! He is declining bill. You must be kidding. He will get out in the most 7 days time. Trust me.
Not the amount but the number who will stand behind RP! Please set the account for Contribution. RM1 for one vote! or RM10 each for a fund to fight BULLY JUDICIARY SYSTEM for anyone that needs to be rescued!
Not the number of lawyers but the Parties that will stand behind RP! ----------------------------------- BUT LOOKING BACK AT THE COURSE OF JUDICIARY & THE FIGHT FOR JUSTICE BY ONE HOUSE BUYER WHO HAD BEEN FIGHTING FOR ALL HOUSE BUYERS! ----------------------------------- Tears and Questions mingled in the throat!!
Why seven lawyers are fighting for one RP when many of these lawyers had turned down to help one who had been fighting for House Buyers for years and trapped in the Judiciary by crooked lawyers dragging the case!
Karpal had made a joke on a Canadian when the latter had driven 5-6hours to his office waiting another 2-3hours in his office with an appointment to discuss the Grievance Karpal had received days ago. But, in 5-minutes time, bluntly said he cannot take! Did he forget Canadian Lawyers had came to his rescue when he was stuck?
His son opened a file with deposit but failed to provide Opinion but asking for half of the fee to be deposited after several meetings!
Even when that client was assaulted and battered by lawyers, how many of those lawyers knew but turned a deaf ears!
Political over Professional? See who have join the Club of Malaysian Jokes?
RP, I am jealous of YOU! But, do you realizes things have turned more political than you wish? Or, it is political that you wish to be trapped in?
Bro. It's RM5,000, not 500,000 right? RPK could have posted bail himself. The so called friends from Parliament could have posted bail for him.
Why the hell be so dramatic over this? Why should the rakyat from the blogsphere be squeezed out of one ringgit just to save someone who could save himself?
Tak payahlah bersandiwara lagi. Get the wife to post the bail for him and let the rest of the world get on with their lives.
Come back to us if the bail is beyond the amount that he can afford and I'll be the first to put up some dough.
Maybe RPK chose jail over bail as a form of protest. As you said, 5000RM is cheap, and probably he too can come up with the money ... so let's not jump to any conclusion why he refused to accept bail, and why no one paid for him.
Donations can come in different forms - money, support or service. A lawyer's service (esp. a senior like Karpal) is worth a lot of money. The lawyers and MPs in attendance represent the number of people who are willing to stand up for justice. These are professionals who make an effort to take time off from their busy schedules to support RPK. So please be polite, and do not insult our YBs and lawyers.
I quote a Chinese saying - Either you contribute in action/effort or in cash. RPK has taken the action/effort (which is undoubtedly, the most difficult part), and it is now up to the supporters who want to see justice done, to come up with the cash - I repeat, donations can come in different forms, and is definitely NOT OBLIGATORY. It has nothing to do with TAX PAYERS' money(the "SUFFERING RAKYAT"), which is being used to prosecute RPK!
OJ Simpson nor most people can afford 7 lawyers - can you?
In Parliament today, it was stated RM39.11 million was spent on the space mission. This is the "SUFFERING RAKYAT's money" for one man to take a ride on a Russian taxi!
We are indeed POOR RAKYAT under the governance of poor goment like BN. But no matter how poor I am, I will even sacrifice my meal for that RM1.
Did you think that we cant afford to bail him out at RM5K?? I am not a rich man but I will put up my saving for RPK.
We only ask for RM1 is just to show that we can gather GOOD POOR RAKYAT who care for justice within hours to show the goment that you go against RPK, you go against the RAKYAT. Is just a gesture to show you "MAKKAL SAKTHI"
So, please do not simply use the word "RAKYAT" as you dont deem to be fit and qualified to use it. You do not even understand what is "RAKYAT". Like others who have just suggested, save your RM1, buy loads of bread, put it in your mouth and SHUT UP
I don`t understand with the title caption `pigs are cute'. Are u being sarcastic to someone or worse still to RPK who I believe you were there at the Balai on that fateful day lending moral support!!
takkan RPK tak mampu bayar bail RM5k, sikit je tu! takkan nak mintak simpati dgn rakyat nak kompol duit byr wang jaminan. kenapa lak kita susah-susah nak kompol duit bg pihak RPK. BERANI BUAT BERANI TANGGUNGLAH!
tapi aku rasa nilah satu cara lagi RPK nak cari publisiti murahan. RPK hang memalukan!!!!!
Now that the political motion has been carried through, it's the end of a political career. How (he) is going to handle foreign affairs & dignitaries from now on will remain to be seen, extremely difficult indeed. A prospective (lame-duck head) of government only UMNO can blindly accept- as per usual- blind faith & idolisation of personality only UMNO can excel- no sense of morality and right & wrong.
The seven lawyers should now work out a way to subpoena the (alleged persons) to appear in court to testify. It will be a political trial of the century. Donation is right! It’s a matter of principle and justice. Reputation & dignity will be gone, if (he) does not take the right (correct, correct, correct) remedial course of court action.
OK! Changing of the guard is now inevitable as BN refuses to learn & rectify the faults. Sedition does NOT apply in this case! Is (he) afraid- be very afraid, really afraid- to challenge the allegations in court?
WE must fight this charge against RPK together. The govt. must NOT be allowed to cow this alternative media that has given us some breathing space. It was RPK and bloggers like him who GAVE us the space to vent our frustrations at the powers that be. DAMN the govt.
Sungai Buloh..Maybe RPK can get some Quran lessons from a certain Ustaz if he is still there. Ask DSAI he should know. To RPK & family... ALLAH will always protect you.
Toyolbusters said bloggers are constantly being targeted by tyrants and dictators. Give me a break. I think many of you are delusional in thinking that there's a halo around your head. Yes, there are some tyrants in the government but you guys are no angels yourselves. Be responsible and accountable in your 'reporting', not main hentam kromo saje. The way I see it, one blogger has a story and the next thing you know many others post the same story in their blogs without even investigating it. You guys accuse the MSM for bad journalism but you guys are no better.
it is "fardhu kifayah" in action. RPK believe so before going to the court today in his blog.
i believe he does not need the bail, he knows he can afford it. he is willing to accept the challenge and the consequences. it is God's will and he accepts the "kadaq and kadar" in his quest in fighting the injustice which he believes.
it is a symbolic gesture in his part to prove to himself that when fighting evil-doers, one must not forget to submit himself to the almighty God. he is willing to go to jail than to submit himself to the evil-doers.
RPK never request any donation to help him post bail. not before, not now, never ! he has been maintaining his blog site with his own budget. he wants the masses to think in all his writings. never to incite but for the readers to have different perspective in the issues presented. and of course, everyone has their own interpretation be it the authorities or the visitors to his blog site.
he is one of a kind. all the best to you RPK. may God bless you and Malaysia always.
only God knows why. ( i like the song by kidRock )
"We are indeed POOR RAKYAT under the governance of poor goment like BN. But no matter how poor I am, I will even sacrifice my meal for that RM1.
Did you think that we cant afford to bail him out at RM5K?? I am not a rich man but I will put up my saving for RPK.
We only ask for RM1 is just to show that we can gather GOOD POOR RAKYAT who care for justice within hours to show the goment that you go against RPK, you go against the RAKYAT. Is just a gesture to show you "MAKKAL SAKTHI"
So, please do not simply use the word "RAKYAT" as you dont deem to be fit and qualified to use it. You do not even understand what is "RAKYAT". Like others who have just suggested, save your RM1, buy loads of bread, put it in your mouth and SHUT UP"
I agree with you. lets have some war with the government !! (so i provoke?)
Most people will not feel it unless it happen to them and some would even kill the person who fight for them (William Wallace - Braveheart for example). Why? Because each one have their own agenda. Some are more generous to accomodate more people's wishes while others are just plain and simple selfish!
Or they could be lacking sufficient intelligence or too intelligent for thier own good, I don't think RPK is begging these 'perasan' people for donation but merely moving the crowd so that the government knows the level of dissent from the rakyat.
God bless RPK and I think RPK do not need these stupid 'perasan' people's support but rather the idea which he is professing for a transparent and clean government.
Is that so bad? What is so damaging to the ordinary rakyat from his postings except for those cronies who has lost thier easy jalan to steal from the public's coffer or as Toyo said 'coffin'.
My advice to RPK, face the law like a gentleman!! Don;t try to involve the rakyat, you wrote it, you answer for it!! Are you trying to make money out of your criminal act? Apa n, sikit2 nak berselindung dgn orang ramai, have the guts to face your self, berani buat berani tanggung!!
You tend to belittle people , even DS Najib!! Now you want to turn yourself as martyr? Do fool the public any more,
On the other hand, is the way the police and authorities handling the case examplary?
As I said, wait till you becomes the victim in the lack of police action or mistreatment then you will insaf.
I wonder people like Terry or wakmasnoor have even read the postings to comment. Who is irresponsible? Support for blatant cover-up and inaction on suspecious person by enforcement and talking rubbish?
haha. i just couldn't agree more with wakmasnoor. mmg la RPK or his supporters bukan mintak from the suffering rakyat but i think RPK and his rich friends can afford to pay 50k by themselves. anyhoo RPK mesti sangat terharu dgn keikhlasan hati anda2 yg sudi menyumbang. good for u guys!!
Bolehland is sick, very sick. When some one collected a few hundred million as commission for buying our defence equipment he still walk the corridor of power but what have RPK done? He didn't even take a single cent. Who are Malaysian enamy we know him well and hope the ghost of Altantuya will hunt those who are guilty down and sink with UMNO.
I feel we all should just get him out, those in favour only has to bank in, the rest of the comments of whos in favour and not doesnt bother any one of us.
Its a question of conscience and RPK has developed a passion for TRUTH in the eyes Malaysian public. Forget the NAY sayers and lets raise the required fund, should there be access, then we donate to some need people/org.
Im making my crystal clear stand on this issue. Those who hate me for my FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and HONEST OPINION, should reflect the judges on themselves. I have nothing to lose. And i believe the same goes to all of us.
Out of respect to Ahirudin (aka Rocky), i will not justify to others whom commented on me, and turned this blog into battle of 'wits and wisdoms'.
But thanks for taking the effort to ponder my valuable (or provakable) thoughts.
did you know that imprisoning a Muslim for more than 3 days is oh-soUN-Islamic?
but, that is for another day.
anyway, there are a couple of issues that I'd like to raise from RPK's posting "What is Islam."
firstly, RPK erred when he wrote, "... And fardu kifayah is mandatory upon all Muslims."
because... it's NOT.
actually, it's a bit more complex... everything that falls within fardu kifayah is mandatory to only ONE muslim in a particular community... when that ONE Muslim has undertaken this obligation then it becomes non-mandatory for the rest of the Muslims in that particular community.
of course, it would be better if more Muslims were to undertake those obligations but the minimum is just ONE for this fardu kifayah to become non-mandatory for the others.
take burial rites as an example... not all Muslims are required to learn this ritual... just as long as at least ONE Muslim knows.
another example is circumcision... maybe you understand this better, or?
still confused?
well, go Gooogle it!
the other point is when RPK wrote, "... For I am not a Muslim by way of mere rituals but a Muslim at heart."
fine and dandy, and who doesn't!
but, before we could consider ourselves Muslims at heart... let us first learn about our hearts.
I disagree with wakmasnoor. In his comment, he seems quite befuddled with the causes of RPK. In the posting in his blog (masnoorwak.blogspot.com), he has aptly positioned the "fact" that Raja Petra and blogger Raja Mongrel (rajamongrel.blogspot.com) is the same character, albeit in a quote. Thumbs down, wak.
His "declining bill" is of some purpose too, i trust. This kerabat raja should not have problem coughing up RM5k. I agree with polytikus. Spend some time in the slammer, bring back some stories. Lets see if he can make those canaries sing. Just dont bring back a rearranged face or mind sudahlah.
RPK yang berada di Penjara Sg Buluh (yang termoden di Asia Tenggara) bukanlah sebagai seorang banduan kerana masih OKT (Orang Yang kena Tuduh). Situasi ini ada perbezaan berada di lokap balai polis, berada di penjara sebagai banduan dan berada di penjara sebagai OKT.
Anggaplah RPK sedang mencipta beberapa sejarahnya tersendiri dan juga sedang bercuti sambil cuba menyatakan sesuatu, menyampaikan sesuatu dan ingin melihat sesuatu. Mungkin juga RPK sudah berkompromi dengan pihak tertentu untuk 'berehat' seketika. Penulis politik juga sama hebat dengan orang politik..RPK mungkin mengambil jalan mudah untuk lebih terkenal dan mempromosikan diri untuk 'target' tertentu.
Angaplah RPK bercuti, pergi memancing, kita tunggu apa hasil yang dibawanya nanti..
A.Athan/Rocky my friend! Missed U at Jalan Duta but what a joke! Charging at PJ! Why,lah?? Ahyoyo! Kadawalai!{Oh That's God/Tuhan/Allah/Divine/Ganesha/ in tamil!!! Well about Rm25,000/- within 3 hours! That's 25,000 kindred spirits of our 25 million population! in 3 hours! AA! I am told that they are out for the bloggers! But @ 3.00 news, the Min of Information stated that the Gomen will blogg and will seek the assistance & advise of top bloggers! Deja Vu, AA! & how now that RPK is charged for seeeeeditttion! Sorry, lay that word when I need to pronounce it, my dentures & false teeth cannot say it right! RPK,Rocky,Zorow,OBE,Loke,Then & all of you bloggers, lets get The Bloggers Alliance to kick butt!I have the formulae! Chiao!
Opps, Sorry forgot! Hey Watmansor or whatever u are! Dei! Yr Balkis & ors stole our monies & transfered into pockets. At least the balance monies will be given to charities! Pls , watmansor, take off the white cap u show & do not insult the people who are truly Muslim{ & I say this as a non muslim}
Yes, please tell us how to contribute to RPK's release. I really admire him for standing up to what he believes in. It is not about the money, but the principle behind free speech and freedom of the press.
To the non sympathizers: Polis DiRaja Malaysia also summoned The Sun editors Nadeswaran & Terence Fernandez for their reports on Balkis and the transfer of RM9mil out of the association, When instead they should be investigating on the Balkis president and members. What does all this tell you? That our laws are not here to protect us. That those entrusted to enforce the law are at the personal disposal of a few. That we can be silenced. That we have no freedom of speech, no freedom of press. That our human rights are violated (think our standing just dropped a few notch down the Human Rights Watch ranking) That we still live in a climate of fear. Even a Raja can be jailed in retaliation, what chance does the average Joe Public have? So they continue to tell us Beware, what you say, think, write Mr & Mrs Rakyat Malaysia.
By throwing RPK in jail, the Mongol Slayer merely bring ample bad press unto himself. Such dastardly acts will bring him more publicity that he cannot avoid at a time when he aspires the commander's chair. Do we need a cold-blooded murderer at the helm? Even now before he can claim the throne he is already throing people behind bars. Sad to say RPK is the first victim of such political oppression. In time to come, plenty of C4 will be thrown around and bloody bits and pieces of body parts will fly all over the godforsaken ground in Bolehland.
It's not about the money is it really? For a man who enjoys his Havanas, RM5,000.00 shouldn't be a problem for RPK. It's a question of principle isn't it. But for sure. To show my solidarity with RPK, that bloggers should not be intimidated. That media should be free, I'll gladly contributed towards the bail money. God speed RPK. You have got balls!
5k no hal for RPK. I guess he would like to acompany Razak baginda there. Thre would be more stories to be told after RPK out from Sg.Buluh..bet you all.. Stay there brother RPK..after all short vacation help you relinquished thirst... no hal brother.
Tomorrow or day after, when bail will be posted, RPK will step out to a waiting crowd.Cheering and haling him as a hero.Just like Mahufdz of PAS many years back.For what.. just 1 day detention. Pak Samad, the most prominent journalist of our time got 5 1/2 years, and he did'nt even get any trials.Where were the defenders of civil rights, the opposition politicians,the reformers then.It took Mahathir to be PM to get him released.And years later Anwar called it a miscarriage of justice. Today , RPK was being charged in a court of law for what he wrote.The fact that 7 prominent lawyers had come forth to defend him,only prove that they respect the institution of law and justice. And recently did'nt everybody rejoice when PakLah called for a reform of the Judiciary.Surely all judges will now take the cue to uphold their independence and integrity.Airing out dissenting voice is one thing but damaging allegations must be substantiated with proof and evidences. Having said this,the people should now just let the law to take its course.We cannot just throw out all the books and live by the law of the jungle.
No matter which god with worship, or what we religion we embrace, we always have this common factor;
That God is not blind and he is fair. He judges people by the heart, not by how many times they pray a day or how many 'holy words' they have uttered.
By the way regarding the donation thing, RPK might have afforded to bail himself out but keep this in mind :
- Nobody forced you to donate. You don't want to donate it's your problem. Your money fine. Our donation is not only a mere monetarial contribution to bail him out, but to show our support to a man who is not behind bars for doing one thing, voicing his opinion.
- This donation is not organised by RPK anyway, and he refused the donation and it shall be donated to charity. It's our money which is earned by our hardwork, and we willingly give it with out own hearts for we believe it will be put to good use. We earn our RM so don't teach us how to use it.
It's a common mistake that most people make but that's not Voltaire who said that.
In her book, "Friends of Voltaire", Evelyn Beatrice Hall aka S.G. Tallentyre, is the one who coined the famous phrase as a gestalt of the man, not specifically his words.
Ha Ha aaaa.Persoalan saya ia lah siapa kan yang di hasut oleh RPK bila menulis di laman BLOG nya.Menghasut Cita untok membenghi Melayu atau menghasut India untok membenchi Cina atau menghasut Raayat Malaysia untok membenchi Kerajaan.
Who Care?.Ramai raayat Malaysia sudah melupai Kes ini.Ramai yang tidak berminat lagi.Then why Charge RPK.
Sabenarnya RPK hanya lah a pawn in the political game.The target is not RPK tapi Najib.Ada kah najib mahu RPK di tangkap.Jawab nya tidak.Ada kah Najib yang membuat laporan Polis.Jawabnya Tidak.
Banyak orang tak tahu Orang Yang Utama di sini ia lah Syed Hamid.Semua orang tahu Syed Hamid cannot see eye to eye dengan Najib.
Yang banyak susah hati di sini bukan RPK tapi Najib.Najib yang tidor tidak lena.Ia tak tahu apa kah new evident yang di beri oleh bapa Atantula kapada RPK.
THANK YOU Raja Petra Kamarudin for articulating what many of us want to voice but have no words or no COURAGE to.
THANK YOU for putting your own freedom on the line on behalf of most of us whose COURAGE do not extend beyond our mouths or our finger clicks.
THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to ride on your COURAGE for a mere RM1.
Cheap at the price, yet priceless.
I'd like to repeat some fighting words from your latest "NO HOLDS BARRED" that are still ringing in my ears so that they will ring in the ears of others too:
"And that [duty to the community ... to oppose all forms of evil or kemunkaran] is what I perform under the mandatory fardu kifayah. I oppose evil. But the government calls it sedition. And for my ‘crime’ of sedition they would like to send me to jail. I would not like to go to jail for grabbing the backside of a cigar girl. I would not like to go to jail for raping an underage girl. I would not like to go to jail for murdering a Mongolian woman. I would not like to go to jail for robbing the nation. But I would enjoy going to jail for fulfilling my duty as a true Muslim under the mandatory fardu kifayah."
Boy! I have to eat my words. Not good country if RPK is locked up. I still think he should be locked up for all his other previous unsubstantiated and speculative postings though.
Some how I see it as a distraction to more pressing and important issue; Pak Lah's resignation.
Pak Lah has now manage to put the heat off him and unto Najib. He must be worried his deputy is up to something. Tsk tsk tsk.
In a country where there is no leader, who is calling the shots?
RPK being charged for sedition for his article on the Altantuya murder. Now lets keep the score.
If RPK loses.He will get a jail sentence.One big nuisance out of the way.
If RPK wins.One DPM in hot soup.One big relieve from calls for transfer of power.
And while the case goes on, all eyes and ears will be focussed.One big diversion from other current hot issues.
So whose getting the big win-win situation here? You tell me . And now they have very efficient IT forensic experts to trace your IP right to your doorstep.
Bru, if your pc gets confiscated.. gua lari balik kg jawa.
I hate this government! So f***cking wrong with this BN government. God, if you hear me, please curse those who puts RPK to jail. May you reserve a place in hell for them and let them rot there for eternity. That is for shrewing a man’s life, for his only mistake was to do your work.
now you all know why the crime rate has gone thru the roof? instead of protecting the citizens, they waste time on this and of course against nades and his colleague. goodness, what is going on in this country? i just cannot understand anymore. god, help us.
siap tunjuk muka kat dalam black maria tu, nak kan publisiti, simpati dan rating lebih banyak lagi. Takpe bagi dia 7 star la. who give a shit about his bloodline!
another attempt by the Barisan regime to muzzle investigative journalism in the blogs. this will not silence the bloggers and those who will not be intimidated by such threats by the police-Barisan conspisary.
stand firm against such barisan muzzeling of a case that is being delayed and manipulated by unseen parties. the rakyat will no longer remain silent over such abuses and they will unite and blow the whistle on the lying culprits.
I certainly will not give my MYR1.00 to the RPK cause. I'm sure his family and friends are wealthy enough to post bail or is this just a political publicity stunt?
I believe his team of lawyers and prominent supporters are also wealthy.
I would prefer to give my MYR1.00 to a homeless person, or a hungry poor child or even to Myanmar to help the people affected by the cyclone.
Since RPK got himself into this situation, then he should be man enough to bear the consquences and pay for his own defence.
Adakah saya simpati dengan RPK ? Dengan 7 peguam dan 4 orang MP mengelilingi nya adakah saya akan simpati dengan nya ? Ketidakadilan ? ini bukan tidak ketidakadilan tetapi MENIPU dan blogger2 diatas yang mempertahankanya turut MENIPU untuk mendapatkan simpati. Inilah yang dinamakan bangsa malaysia.......... Jangan TIPU diri sendiri la.......
To those who said that RPK is speaking the TRUTH, then no need to talk much2 and please show RAKYAT MALAYSIA THE TRUTH!
Kalau RPK cakap besok KIAMAT walaupun takde PROOF, you will all losing sleep percaya this guy!
Mau 5000?? 100,000 pun saya bole bagi la. Tapi kalau BOHONG punya pasal...can kiss my A***.
Mekyam said... "And that [duty to the community ... to oppose all forms of evil or kemunkaran] is what I perform under the mandatory fardu kifayah. I oppose evil. But the government calls it sedition. And for my ‘crime’ of sedition they would like to send me to jail. I would not like to go to jail for grabbing the backside of a cigar girl. I would not like to go to jail for raping an underage girl. I would not like to go to jail for murdering a Mongolian woman. I would not like to go to jail for robbing the nation. But I would enjoy going to jail for fulfilling my duty as a true Muslim under the mandatory fardu kifayah."
Tolong lah jangan buat bidaah kat blog ni...Fardhu Kifayah apa kejadah!
Nak hukumkan sesuatu kena tau nas dan siasah nya dulu. Kalau benda tak betul...tak kan boleh jadi halal. Kalau tak tahu...baik diam. Dapat pahala.
(The Sun) PETALING JAYA (May 6, 2008): The Bar Council today expressed shocked and disappointment today over the government's decision to charge Malaysia Today webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin with sedition.
Calling the Sedition Act 1948 an "archaic legislation which should be repealed", its president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said the Act was incompatible with Malaysian society.
"The Sedition Act is a draconian, archaic and repressive piece of legislation that has long outlived any perceived utility it may ever have had. It is incompatible with the progressive, open and democratic society that we had believed Malaysia was becoming," she said, adding that the use of such law was disconcerting and lends credence to the view that in fact the democratic space in Malaysia is still severely curtailed.
A brilliant strategy, a poker game or an airtight allegation. These are things to be said of Raja Petra's refusal to be bailed.
According to Malaysiakini, a rival news portal, "Hearing has been fixed from Oct 6 to 10 and Raja Petra was granted a bail of RM5,000, which he refused to post, deciding instead to remain in custody until the hearing date five months from today.
"He has been taken to the Sungai Buloh prison to be remanded."
He had chosen not be be bailed. In so doing, he is telling his accusers (the Government of Malaysia) and his jailers that I am so sure of my allegations that I am prepared to wait here in jail where someone can kill me if he or she wants.
I hope nobody kills Raja Petra. But he has to watch his back. Remember Anwar Ibrahim's black eye?
Raja Petra and his supporters have the 5K for the bail. But that's not the issue. He can go out on bail and run away. No, Raja Petra wants to stay put and prove before the judge that he was not lying.
Now the onus is on the AG to make up a case that neither Paja Petra nor his lawyers can create a reasonable. But thus AG is not known for putting up watartight casas. Refer to the Eric Chia casa and the yo-yo Kasitah Gadam case. It does not surprise me that some black hands will force the AG to withdraw the case.
This is an important case. It is an indirect trial of the people accused by Raja Petra in his posting/postings.
Am surprised to know that there are morons (bodohs) out there thinks that RPK cant raise RM5k bail? Within hours, RM25k been raised, he is just trying to make a statements la...........morons! He does need your money!
If anyone were to relate Islam better to me, he will be no other then RPK.
Thanks to RPK, i 've learnt to understand Islam better, I hv gained much insights of "fardu kifayah" value.
From now onwards, i would conduct my special prayers to RPK and family for his safety and may GodSpeed his release.
To most Anon who posted here, Walk with RPK donation drive is a symbolic gestures that we the RAKYAT are the force behind RPK not in terms of monetery but our common call for Justice. Don't u guys get it !.
Our fight for Justice does not limit with Altantuya's case but all the poor Rakyats currently being Suppressed.
Whoever the guilt party shall be sent to HEAVEN very soon. RPK got it wrong.
If RPK says he has proof (as of today's news), he has nothing to worry about. If he does not, well... what can i say.
As someone quoted: "He writes a tame article about Najib and Rosmah, that too backed by information revealed in sworn court testimony, and the sedition act is thrown at him."
Bro, Sad to hear that RPK is victim of selective prosecution.BN still DONT learn from last GE.. I'll put in my contribution for RPK fund and hope all Malaysians who believe in freedom of speech to do so..
this is not seditious case to begin with. najib and his cohort can launch defamation suit as the article indeed defaming him by implicating him in the case. but seditious, do you feel hate to the gov, to the coutnry, to start riot ? hate yes, but to the murderer who probably not najib, who knows. so is it seditious to hate a murderer ? there's a kidnap-murder case recently, so is it seditious to hate the culprit and we should forgive and let the absuctor scot free ,......
Just as RPK put up a request for RM1 donation, the other side have put up request to get their supporters who now have less things to do other than earn some money surfing blogs to 'balance the views'.
Like I said before, moron or not only their own concience can tell or for those mentally challenged enough not to know, then god bless you.
Just as everyone have the right to post comments, there should be some respect on freedon for expression otherwise don't bother posting lah!
Siapa yang takut sekarang? Siapa yang tengah risau? Siapa yang berjalan dan merasakan masyarakat memandang mereka dengan penuh kecurigaan? Siapa yang memerlukan simpati? Siapa yang sanggup ke Sungai Buloh? Siapa yang nak jadi Perdana Menteri?
Aku tak paham kenapa masih ada orang yang admire RPK... Dah sah sah this guy kena saman RM2juta.. Tak cukup lagi ka prove nak tunjukkan RPK kaki temberang besar.. Berapa banyak temberang dia dah buat masih ada org nak percaya.. Atau pun orang tak kisah as long as RPK saja yang berani terpeki terlolong sorang2.. Asalkan agenda politik korang tercapai.. Hopefully choose the person in the last PRU12.. Not this kind of people like RPK..
My gut feelings told me RPK intentionally put himself in a situation where he can relocate into Sungei Buloh just so he can meet up with Razak Baginda in person and get the firsthand scoop on the story from the mouth of the horse itself. Once he is released from the slammers you can bet he RPK will be the first to shake the earth in Bolehland with the No 1 BOMBSHELL story of the new millenium, post GE2008.
Keep your fingers crossed on the X-Files exposure in Malaysia that may lead to the imminent fall of a neo-Nazi UMNOputra leader - the great pretender to the throne.
If you are a regular reader of RPK's website, you would probably think it is no surprise this has happened. I support him in the interest of freedom of speech but he needs to take responsibility to what was written. If there is whole truth and nothing but the truth in what was written, then he has nothing to fear. What i failed to understand is the need to get the public to be involved to contribute to his bail money...jeez..sendiri buat sendiri tanggung la..
My gut feelings told me RPK intentionally put himself in a situation where he can relocate into Sungei Buloh just so he can meet up with Razak Baginda in person and get the firsthand scoop on the story from the mouth of the horse itself. Once he is released from the slammers you can bet he RPK will be the first to shake the earth in Bolehland with the No 1 BOMBSHELL story of the new millenium, post GE2008....."
How are you so sure that RPK is being held in Sungai Buloh? He could, instead, be held up in Bukit Aman? Kemunting? Simpang Rengam? or ??????? just to trick us!
anyone able to print some T-shirts with the "FREE R.P.K" logo / pics?
11:17 AM Why Free RPK? He can be free but chose to be detained (refuse to be bailed out) Ini semua wayang suami isteri! Can't you all see what RPK is trying to do to Malaysia!!
Malaysia Today editor, you mean.
ReplyDeleteOct 6th?
ReplyDeletethat's after anwar's sept16th deadline.
it will certainly be interesting
Hello Bro',
ReplyDeleteMalayskini or Malaysia Today? Did he say why he refused to post bail.
ReplyDeleteI think you meant Malaysia-Today editor and not Steven Gan being charged.
Steven Gan had his fair share with the Bukit Aman boys in 203.
Sdr Rocky's Bru,
ReplyDeleteIt should read Malaysia Today.
We wish all the best to Raja Petra. Whether he's a patriot, a cyber anarchist or a webmaster/blogger, RPK is never plain.
He stands out and, to a lot of worried people, he sticks out like a sore thumb.
If what he wrote was a hearsay to many people, but from today it's no longer a mere hearsay. It's case before the court of law.
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteRPK is a Malaysia Today Editor not Malaysiakini.
rocky, u mean malaysia-today editor.
ReplyDeletehope we can help to raise the bail
surely the post should say the 'malaysia today' editor, rather than the malaysiakini editor?
ReplyDeleterocky , please do something ,we are all afraid nanti raja petra pula diletupkan .
ReplyDeleteRocky, minor correction - should read the Malaysia Today editor and not the Malaysiakini editor mate.
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteMay I suggest you start a blogger's trust fund managed under Blog house. I'm sure for RPK, the 5K can be raised in a matter of hours. Bloggers are constantly being targeted by tyrants and dictators. Bloggers' fund can be used to replace notebooks or PC (I know bro.Haris and bro.RPK could do with a replacement)or for instant bail out such as RPK's case now. The fund will always be available for quick action. Think about it.
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteCorrection Bro... it shud be Malaysia Today Editor.
Mr Rocky's bru,
ReplyDeletePRK is Malaysia-today editor not Malaysiakini, right?
All the best to him. Shame to see this happen a gain.
*coughs* malaysiakini editor?
ReplyDeletemaybe in sungai buloh he'll bump into razak baginda and friends ... and come back with more stories for us :)
I dont see the needs to APPEAL FROM THE SUFFERING RAKYAT for money to put RPK on bail.
ReplyDeleteIt was of his (RPK) own agenda and doing. Be it personally influenced or politically motivated. He should bear the consequences.
He should now more than ever, reflects the very integrity of the words RESPONSIBLE MALAYSIAN championed by him and his political associates, and not asking the Rakyat to involve in this seditious act of him and him alone.
The Rakyat have more of needs in that $5k rather to spend on this ridiculous endeavor of one man show whom will latter claimed all the credits to himself and friends.
Surely, RPK and his rich friends can afford that $5k. Why asking from the SUFFERING RAKYAT? Its just another act of saying that the Rakyat are all behind RPK. That is why the Rakyat are willing to donate the money. Stop this game for the sake of the SUFFERING RAKYAT. Think others who are really in need of the money and can make better use of it, than this selfish act of propagating for the benefit of one man named RPK. Even $1 can means a whole huge diff between a meal and a dying child.
Stop begging and be like a man you so often used to describe yourself are.
Awww... 2 mistakes rocky... :)
ReplyDeleteMalaysia Today editor... not MalaysiaKini...
and Ronnie Liu isn't a Member of Parliament... :)
just to confirm, malaysiakini editor?
ReplyDeleteleh tau senarai lawyer yg defend RPK?
ReplyDeleteRPK must not be allowed to languish even 1 day in jail. Please contribute your RM1 now to ensure bail of RM5k is attained.
ReplyDeleteRelease RPK!!!!
Release RPK!!!!
Release RPK!!!!
well...5000 is cheap. why would not any of the attended MPs fronted their own money? that karpal is worth... 1 million?
ReplyDeleteafter all i thought they were friends? no. brothers. how can brotherhood is defined by 5000RM cash? impossible
as much as i like his exposures on high profilers and people upstairs, i dont think he is entitled to do WHATEVER he wants. and he still to be bounded by the laws.
and 7 lawyers representing him?
OJ Simpsons did not have that many last time. (and still he got away)
"pigs are cute"???
ReplyDeleteHOW DARE !!!!!
ReplyDeleteBAST*RDS are the best word to describe the Government !!!
sungai buloh ? together with razak baginda ? great! now he can interbiu first-hand personally with baginda to get the real scenario to let the whole malaysians know what's going on actually - the insider's story. what a awesome journalist .....
ReplyDeleteRPK talked about his assets in his blog before. So I wonder why the need to raise money for the bail.
ReplyDeleteMalaysian justice system.
Let us start the ball rolling Rocky. Dont let RPK spend more than 24 hours in Sg Buloh. Give out the instructions for contribution asap.
ReplyDeleteRPK has to prove that whatever he has said is truth nothing but the truth in the court of law. He can no longer hide behind a server which located overseas as he always said.
ReplyDelete7 lawyers can ensure he will get a fair trial.
If he come out clean, he will be remembered as a hero of the cyber age, but if he could not prove himself right (Or just keep quiet), thats the end of his era....
Many of us believed in what you have wrote, we hope you can prove to the court the same...Good luck to RPK...
i think you got it wrong. the donations should exceeded more than RM5,000 by now (judging from malaysia-today update), it is RPK refuse to pay bail for whatever reason (u should know better since u r close to him) & many support his action too!
ReplyDeleteto wakmasnoor,
you are right, "RM1-walk with RPK" is an act that we support RPK for justice course, RM1 is that too much a burden? mind you, justice is priceless, too sad we can't find it in M'sia.
you are poor man! keep you RM1 and shut up!
Some blog readers don't seem to get the point about a RM1 donation. It's entirely symbolic and voluntary. I believe RM1x5000 would suggest approximately 5000 people support RPK in this endeavor. It's not about the money, it never is with RPK. It's about mobilizing public support. And those who support him will walk with him willingly. Those who do not, do us all a favor; please don't stand in the way.
ReplyDelete1) Is RPK ia s patron saint for you people or what?
ReplyDelete2) RM5k? political propaganda..RPK guy can buck himself out..
3) why must suddenly a so-called hero turn into beggar?
4) who are you people who try to speak on RPK behalf regarding this bail collection? Mau cilok duit rakyat ka serupa itu kempen derma anjuran org2 ****?
To all those who "read" wrongly,and are stating that Rocky may have misquoted, Rocky got it right, he stated RPK as "Malaysia Today" editor and mentions as a byline that "malaysiakini was shut down in 2003" being charged under the "sedition act"
ReplyDeleteBy the way back to situation at hand, it's not about the RM 1 each from Netizens that RPK and Marina are soliciting from that's important or that they should bear responsibility for themselves at this crucial point in our country's history, all that is not important... The central core of this case is that RPK has the courage to report on what he feels is his opinion and that now the government, via it's justice system, finds what RPK said as "sedition". According to the New Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus, "SEDITION' is described as..."the inciting of hostility against the Government, likely to cause rebellion or insurrection, but not amounting to treason"
Now just two simple things should happen, for all those who have followed RPK and the rest of the Bloggers, we know that they were blogging and commenting on topics and subjects that most malaysians were unhappy about and that the mainstream media was quite one sided in their views, more often than not, being politically correct towards the Government of the day..with all that, we should be thankful to RPK and all the other Bloggers for being the first to start disseminating news that Malaysians really needed to hear about and not all the covering up of social, moral and political injustices by the mainstream media.
So whether or not, RPK and all the other bloggers have hidden agendas, or are being backed by so and so or whoever, the fact of the matter right now is RPK is willing to be imprisoned undefinitely,
( at least until the bail is posted) and that RPK is also resolutely standing by what he blogged about shows me just one simple fact, that RPK is
exercising, freedom of speech and expression....and that is one of the most fundamental rights of any human being in our beautiful GOD blessed country Malaysia WHICH MANY OF US STILL LOVE AND CALL HOME, we may not like the politicians or the government of the day, that we have to take to the ballot boxes, and take it to the ballot boxes Malaysians did, as on march 8th, 2008, and so i would like to end by saying that now is the time to give thanks for a brave man like RPK and the blogging community who really put out their necks for a change and to seek justice, truth and freedom for all Malaysians who still call Malaysia, home... this is what standing together means, "United we stand, Divided we fall"..... let's all stand United for a Malaysia for all Malaysians.......that's a GOD given right all Malaysians have and that's the central core of what RPK is trying to promote, judging from most of his comments...( btw, the opinion above is strictly my own personal view and i did not get any permission from RPK or anyone else mentioned...)
ReplyDeleteWhy are a couple of Mahathir supporters here starting to get very antsy?
Takut, ke?
You are right Edy, absolutely right. The people in the govt are bastards, including those in Penang, Perak, Selangor, Kelantan and Kedah.
ReplyDeletewakmasnoor, just shut up and be on your way. Nobody is asking from you. RPK did not ask anyone to contribute and he is always The Man who unlike UMNO's leeches. You are still sleeping yeah?
ReplyDeleteSeeing RPK in that pic just about breaks my heart.....I pray Mrs. RPK will remain strong and steadfast during this trying period.
ReplyDeleteWhat is RM1? I think asking supporters to bank in RM1 per person is a brilliant way to show the strength of support RPK has from people from all walks of life who are basically FED-UP with this "going-nowhere-but-down" UMNO govn.
RM1 can't even buy me a decent meal at the mamak's but good enough for me to register my condemnation of the intimidating tactics employed by certain cowards to silence critics and whistle blowers.
RPK has my support all the way!
ReplyDeletetolong lah..speak on yr own behalf - just like rpk!
He did not appeal to suffering rakyats to help him.
He did not ask us to defend him
But you know lah...there are a lot of idiots like me out here who don't know what to do with our RM1...so leave us alone to spend our money as we see (un)fit
I KNOW many prominent ppl who also don't know what to do with OUR millions either - they only end up acquiring jets, companies, properties, jewelleries, binis etc..
and do THEY listen to what we say?
you don't want to help...DON'T lah!
You have yr views & rights
He has his views & rights
I have my views & rights
Anyway I happen to have lots of reasons why I want to donate..but mainly because when I donate RM10, I can't smoke for a day..so I see RPK as helping ME quit smoking!
salaam & mwah...wahhh!!
someone ought to come out with a blogger's badge or something, to show support besides any other stuff that we do to help rpk.
ReplyDeleteGood souls should not
ReplyDeletebe prisoned, he wants justice
for a greaved father. Pls,
all of us, pray for Raja Petra NOW...................
"Blogger toyolbuster said...
ReplyDeleteBro Rocky,
May I suggest you start a blogger's trust fund managed under Blog house. I'm sure for RPK, the 5K can be raised in a matter of hours. Bloggers are constantly being targeted by tyrants and dictators. Bloggers' fund can be used to replace notebooks or PC (I know bro.Haris and bro.RPK could do with a replacement)or for instant bail out such as RPK's case now. The fund will always be available for quick action. Think about it.
1:22 PM"
At first i really looking at Malaysia today as a non partisan blog but after sometime i'm now convinced that it is a mere opposition newslater. Why? Because they only do Government Bashing without limits. What we want from alternative media is an avenue to discuss topics with pro and con.
ReplyDeleteLots of opinion that is highlighted but with slight pro government but with true fact and figure will be rated low and blocked.
So i'm happy that he is served with what he deserved today because if the court of law find that he is guilty of sedition charge then he should respect it.
What! He is declining bill. You must be kidding. He will get out in the most 7 days time. Trust me.
Not the amount but the number who will stand behind RP!
ReplyDeletePlease set the account for Contribution.
RM1 for one vote!
or RM10 each for a fund to fight BULLY JUDICIARY SYSTEM for anyone that needs to be rescued!
Not the number of lawyers but the Parties that will stand behind RP!
Tears and Questions mingled in the throat!!
Why seven lawyers are fighting for one RP when many of these lawyers had turned down to help one who had been fighting for House Buyers for years and trapped in the Judiciary by crooked lawyers dragging the case!
Karpal had made a joke on a Canadian when the latter had driven 5-6hours to his office waiting another 2-3hours in his office with an appointment to discuss the Grievance Karpal had received days ago. But, in 5-minutes time, bluntly said he cannot take!
Did he forget Canadian Lawyers had came to his rescue when he was stuck?
His son opened a file with deposit but failed to provide Opinion but asking for half of the fee to be deposited after several meetings!
Even when that client was assaulted and battered by lawyers, how many of those lawyers knew but turned a deaf ears!
Political over Professional?
See who have join the Club of Malaysian Jokes?
RP, I am jealous of YOU! But, do you realizes things have turned more political than you wish?
Or, it is political that you wish to be trapped in?
I think RPK has found a solution to Singapore's age old problem of defamation suits to initiate bankrupcy tactic.
ReplyDeleteBro. It's RM5,000, not 500,000 right? RPK could have posted bail himself. The so called friends from Parliament could have posted bail for him.
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell be so dramatic over this? Why should the rakyat from the blogsphere be squeezed out of one ringgit just to save someone who could save himself?
Tak payahlah bersandiwara lagi. Get the wife to post the bail for him and let the rest of the world get on with their lives.
Come back to us if the bail is beyond the amount that he can afford and I'll be the first to put up some dough.
YLW has this to say to
ReplyDeleteWakmasnoor & drMpower:
Maybe RPK chose jail over bail as a form of protest. As you said, 5000RM is cheap, and probably he too can come up with the money ... so let's not jump to any conclusion why he refused to accept bail, and why no one paid for him.
Donations can come in different forms - money, support or service. A lawyer's service (esp. a senior like Karpal) is worth a lot of money. The lawyers and MPs in attendance represent the number of people who are willing to stand up for justice. These are professionals who make an effort to take time off from their busy schedules to support RPK. So please be polite, and do not insult our YBs and lawyers.
I quote a Chinese saying - Either you contribute in action/effort or in cash. RPK has taken the action/effort (which is undoubtedly, the most difficult part), and it is now up to the supporters who want to see justice done, to come up with the cash - I repeat, donations can come in different forms, and is definitely NOT OBLIGATORY. It has nothing to do with TAX PAYERS' money(the "SUFFERING RAKYAT"), which is being used to prosecute RPK!
OJ Simpson nor most people can afford 7 lawyers - can you?
Addendum from YLW to Wakmasnoor -
ReplyDeleteIn Parliament today, it was stated RM39.11 million was spent on the space mission. This is the "SUFFERING RAKYAT's money" for one man to take a ride on a Russian taxi!
ReplyDeleteWe are indeed POOR RAKYAT under the governance of poor goment like BN. But no matter how poor I am, I will even sacrifice my meal for that RM1.
Did you think that we cant afford to bail him out at RM5K?? I am not a rich man but I will put up my saving for RPK.
We only ask for RM1 is just to show that we can gather GOOD POOR RAKYAT who care for justice within hours to show the goment that you go against RPK, you go against the RAKYAT. Is just a gesture to show you "MAKKAL SAKTHI"
So, please do not simply use the word "RAKYAT" as you dont deem to be fit and qualified to use it. You do not even understand what is "RAKYAT". Like others who have just suggested, save your RM1, buy loads of bread, put it in your mouth and SHUT UP
ReplyDeleteI don`t understand with the title caption `pigs are cute'. Are u being sarcastic to someone or worse still to RPK who I believe you were there at the Balai on that fateful day lending moral support!!
ReplyDeletethink again, what must fix the trail on 6 Oct, so long wait? after anwar's 16 Sept deadline for by-election? BN is very scared of RPK ceramah? isn't?
ReplyDeleteRPK is up for something that he is believing and try to proof a case here that the sediction act is entirely nonsense...
RPK the people is with u..
ReplyDeletetakkan RPK tak mampu bayar bail RM5k, sikit je tu! takkan nak mintak simpati dgn rakyat nak kompol duit byr wang jaminan. kenapa lak kita susah-susah nak kompol duit bg pihak RPK. BERANI BUAT BERANI TANGGUNGLAH!
tapi aku rasa nilah satu cara lagi RPK nak cari publisiti murahan. RPK hang memalukan!!!!!
RPK is adapting Sun Tzu's treatise of smuggling into enemy's perimeter.
ReplyDeleteHow else is he going to do that ?
Betcha, he will have more juicy stories after this ?
You're da MAN, RPK !!!!
I salute you !!!!
Today they have -
ReplyDeleteHandcuffed the righteous and selfless!
Caged Justice!
pictures of pain for the rakyat!
New campaign
There should be no case, no charges, no detention. Period.
ReplyDelete!!!FREE RPK!!!FREE RPK!!!FREE RPK!!!
Malaysia's No. 1 Prisoner of Conscience!
ReplyDeleteNow that the political motion has been carried through, it's the end of a political career. How (he) is going to handle foreign affairs & dignitaries from now on will remain to be seen, extremely difficult indeed. A prospective (lame-duck head) of government only UMNO can blindly accept- as per usual- blind faith & idolisation of personality only UMNO can excel- no sense of morality and right & wrong.
The seven lawyers should now work out a way to subpoena the (alleged persons) to appear in court to testify. It will be a political trial of the century. Donation is right! It’s a matter of principle and justice. Reputation & dignity will be gone, if (he) does not take the right (correct, correct, correct) remedial course of court action.
OK! Changing of the guard is now inevitable as BN refuses to learn & rectify the faults. Sedition does NOT apply in this case! Is (he) afraid- be very afraid, really afraid- to challenge the allegations in court?
WE must fight this charge against RPK together. The govt. must NOT be allowed to cow this alternative media that has given us some breathing space. It was RPK and bloggers like him who GAVE us the space to vent our frustrations at the powers that be. DAMN the govt.
ReplyDeleteWhen you do what is right
ReplyDeleteYou're in for a good fight
You will stay in the light
In truth you never lose sight
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 060508
[With some definitions of 'SEDITION' available there]
Tue. 6th May 2008.
Sungai Buloh..Maybe RPK can get some Quran lessons from a certain Ustaz if he is still there. Ask DSAI he should know.
ReplyDeleteTo RPK & family... ALLAH will always protect you.
I also want to contribute for RPK though I am only a visitor here in KL. I read Malaysia Today and I really admire his guts. Please tell me how.
ReplyDeleteserve him rights... there is no fact in whats he's writings... dia tidak bertanggung jawab atas writing dia.
ReplyDeleteI meant its federal Government, and you.
Bro Rocky, please lead us.
I've post the pic and videoclip of RPK recently at the court on my blog.
Toyolbusters said bloggers are constantly being targeted by tyrants and dictators. Give me a break. I think many of you are delusional in thinking that there's a halo around your head. Yes, there are some tyrants in the government but you guys are no angels yourselves.
ReplyDeleteBe responsible and accountable in your 'reporting', not main hentam kromo saje. The way I see it, one blogger has a story and the next thing you know many others post the same story in their blogs without even investigating it. You guys accuse the MSM for bad journalism but you guys are no better.
wah...macam tu I will never be able to log off & get a good zzzz again!
(Or maybe I just need a nice comfy chair in Parliament in the spotlight before I can get some good zzzs anyways!)
it is "fardhu kifayah" in action. RPK believe so before going to the court today in his blog.
ReplyDeletei believe he does not need the bail, he knows he can afford it. he is willing to accept the challenge and the consequences. it is God's will and he accepts the "kadaq and kadar" in his quest in fighting the injustice which he believes.
it is a symbolic gesture in his part to prove to himself that when fighting evil-doers, one must not forget to submit himself to the almighty God. he is willing to go to jail than to submit himself to the evil-doers.
RPK never request any donation to help him post bail. not before, not now, never ! he has been maintaining his blog site with his own budget. he wants the masses to think in all his writings. never to incite but for the readers to have different perspective in the issues presented. and of course, everyone has their own interpretation be it the authorities or the visitors to his blog site.
he is one of a kind. all the best to you RPK. may God bless you and Malaysia always.
only God knows why. ( i like the song by kidRock )
they have collected way above RM5000 and balance will be used for charity.
ReplyDeleteThis is a BIG MISTAKE, these gomen goons.
So much for press freedom.
I wonder if anyone said any nonsense against RPK, will he be charged?
Or, it's just a group of cronies only?
still not learning from their 5-states loss mistakes.
Well said Patoh.
ReplyDeleteI qoute again your word of wisdom.
"We are indeed POOR RAKYAT under the governance of poor goment like BN. But no matter how poor I am, I will even sacrifice my meal for that RM1.
Did you think that we cant afford to bail him out at RM5K?? I am not a rich man but I will put up my saving for RPK.
We only ask for RM1 is just to show that we can gather GOOD POOR RAKYAT who care for justice within hours to show the goment that you go against RPK, you go against the RAKYAT. Is just a gesture to show you "MAKKAL SAKTHI"
So, please do not simply use the word "RAKYAT" as you dont deem to be fit and qualified to use it. You do not even understand what is "RAKYAT". Like others who have just suggested, save your RM1, buy loads of bread, put it in your mouth and SHUT UP"
I agree with you. lets have some war with the government !! (so i provoke?)
Most people will not feel it unless it happen to them and some would even kill the person who fight for them (William Wallace - Braveheart for example). Why? Because each one have their own agenda. Some are more generous to accomodate more people's wishes while others are just plain and simple selfish!
ReplyDeleteOr they could be lacking sufficient intelligence or too intelligent for thier own good, I don't think RPK is begging these 'perasan' people for donation but merely moving the crowd so that the government knows the level of dissent from the rakyat.
God bless RPK and I think RPK do not need these stupid 'perasan' people's support but rather the idea which he is professing for a transparent and clean government.
Is that so bad? What is so damaging to the ordinary rakyat from his postings except for those cronies who has lost thier easy jalan to steal from the public's coffer or as Toyo said 'coffin'.
My advice to RPK, face the law like a gentleman!! Don;t try to involve the rakyat, you wrote it, you answer for it!! Are you trying to make money out of your criminal act? Apa n, sikit2 nak berselindung dgn orang ramai, have the guts to face your self, berani buat berani tanggung!!
ReplyDeleteYou tend to belittle people , even DS Najib!! Now you want to turn yourself as martyr? Do fool the public any more,
On the other hand, is the way the police and authorities handling the case examplary?
ReplyDeleteAs I said, wait till you becomes the victim in the lack of police action or mistreatment then you will insaf.
I wonder people like Terry or wakmasnoor have even read the postings to comment. Who is irresponsible? Support for blatant cover-up and inaction on suspecious person by enforcement and talking rubbish?
haha. i just couldn't agree more with wakmasnoor. mmg la RPK or his supporters bukan mintak from the suffering rakyat but i think RPK and his rich friends can afford to pay 50k by themselves. anyhoo RPK mesti sangat terharu dgn keikhlasan hati anda2 yg sudi menyumbang. good for u guys!!
ReplyDeleteBolehland is sick, very sick. When some one collected a few hundred million as commission for buying our defence equipment he still walk the corridor of power but what have RPK done? He didn't even take a single cent. Who are Malaysian enamy we know him well and hope the ghost of Altantuya will hunt those who are guilty down and sink with UMNO.
ReplyDeleteI feel we all should just get him out, those in favour only has to bank in, the rest of the comments of whos in favour and not doesnt bother any one of us.
ReplyDeleteIts a question of conscience and RPK has developed a passion for TRUTH in the eyes Malaysian public. Forget the NAY sayers and lets raise the required fund, should there be access, then we donate to some need people/org.
Im making my crystal clear stand on this issue. Those who hate me for my FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and HONEST OPINION, should reflect the judges on themselves. I have nothing to lose. And i believe the same goes to all of us.
ReplyDeleteOut of respect to Ahirudin (aka Rocky), i will not justify to others whom commented on me, and turned this blog into battle of 'wits and wisdoms'.
But thanks for taking the effort to ponder my valuable (or provakable) thoughts.
Fellow bloggers
ReplyDeleteMay God grant RPK and his family the strength to undergo this difficult time.
If what he writes is based on facts and concrete evidence then RPK should not be worried.
I am very sure he knows what he is doing.
The truth shall prevail in this world and the next.
anonymous 2pm said "pigs are cute?"
ReplyDeleteeither you dont know what you are talking or you didnt read yet the article RPK wrote.
then you better re-read again his article and get an idea why bro rocky posted that header.
Justice for Altantuya and RPK!
setinggi-tingi tupai melompat,akhirnya jatuh juga.
ReplyDeleteby now RPK should be out on bail...
ReplyDeletegood for him...
did you know that imprisoning a Muslim for more than 3 days is oh-so UN-Islamic?
but, that is for another day.
anyway, there are a couple of issues that I'd like to raise from RPK's posting "What is Islam."
firstly, RPK erred when he wrote, "... And fardu kifayah is mandatory upon all Muslims."
because... it's NOT.
actually, it's a bit more complex... everything that falls within fardu kifayah is mandatory to only ONE muslim in a particular community... when that ONE Muslim has undertaken this obligation then it becomes non-mandatory for the rest of the Muslims in that particular community.
of course, it would be better if more Muslims were to undertake those obligations but the minimum is just ONE for this fardu kifayah to become non-mandatory for the others.
take burial rites as an example... not all Muslims are required to learn this ritual... just as long as at least ONE Muslim knows.
another example is circumcision... maybe you understand this better, or?
still confused?
well, go Gooogle it!
the other point is when RPK wrote, "... For I am not a Muslim by way of mere rituals but a Muslim at heart."
fine and dandy, and who doesn't!
but, before we could consider ourselves Muslims at heart... let us first learn about our hearts.
and, learning begins from the basics.
verily, a little knowledge is always dangerous.
I disagree with wakmasnoor. In his comment, he seems quite befuddled with the causes of RPK. In the posting in his blog (masnoorwak.blogspot.com), he has aptly positioned the "fact" that Raja Petra and blogger Raja Mongrel (rajamongrel.blogspot.com) is the same character, albeit in a quote. Thumbs down, wak.
ReplyDeleteHis "declining bill" is of some purpose too, i trust. This kerabat raja should not have problem coughing up RM5k. I agree with polytikus. Spend some time in the slammer, bring back some stories. Lets see if he can make those canaries sing. Just dont bring back a rearranged face or mind sudahlah.
RPK yang berada di Penjara Sg Buluh (yang termoden di Asia Tenggara) bukanlah sebagai seorang banduan kerana masih OKT (Orang Yang kena Tuduh). Situasi ini ada perbezaan berada di lokap balai polis, berada di penjara sebagai banduan dan berada di penjara sebagai OKT.
ReplyDeleteAnggaplah RPK sedang mencipta beberapa sejarahnya tersendiri dan juga sedang bercuti sambil cuba menyatakan sesuatu, menyampaikan sesuatu dan ingin melihat sesuatu. Mungkin juga RPK sudah berkompromi dengan pihak tertentu untuk 'berehat' seketika. Penulis politik juga sama hebat dengan orang politik..RPK mungkin mengambil jalan mudah untuk lebih terkenal dan mempromosikan diri untuk 'target' tertentu.
Angaplah RPK bercuti, pergi memancing, kita tunggu apa hasil yang dibawanya nanti..
hoi, kayu... its not about whether rpk or his buddies having the dough to settle the...
ReplyDeletethat racist pig want him in jail but we want him out... and we want the truth not all the garbage that kangaroo court are dishing out!
lets make sure all those murderers will 'party' with lucifer... in hell.
A.Athan/Rocky my friend! Missed U at Jalan Duta but what a joke! Charging at PJ! Why,lah?? Ahyoyo! Kadawalai!{Oh That's God/Tuhan/Allah/Divine/Ganesha/ in tamil!!!
ReplyDeleteWell about Rm25,000/- within 3 hours! That's 25,000 kindred spirits of our 25 million population! in 3 hours!
AA! I am told that they are out for the bloggers! But @ 3.00 news, the Min of Information stated that the Gomen will blogg and will seek the assistance & advise of top bloggers! Deja Vu, AA! & how now that RPK is charged for seeeeeditttion! Sorry, lay that word when I need to pronounce it, my dentures & false teeth cannot say it right!
RPK,Rocky,Zorow,OBE,Loke,Then & all of you bloggers, lets get The Bloggers Alliance to kick butt!I have the formulae!
Opps, Sorry forgot!
ReplyDeleteHey Watmansor or whatever u are!
Dei! Yr Balkis & ors stole our monies & transfered into pockets.
At least the balance monies will be given to charities!
Pls , watmansor, take off the white cap u show & do not insult the people who are truly Muslim{ & I say this as a non muslim}
Yes, please tell us how to contribute to RPK's release. I really admire him for standing up to what he believes in. It is not about the money, but the principle behind free speech and freedom of the press.
3:23 PM
Err...is that you Tun Mahathir??
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it."
ReplyDelete- Voltaire
Remain steadfast RPK and thank you for standing up to those who would use the PDRM and Courts of Justice for their own ends.
To the non sympathizers:
ReplyDeletePolis DiRaja Malaysia also summoned The Sun editors Nadeswaran & Terence Fernandez for their reports on Balkis and the transfer of RM9mil out of the association, When instead they should be investigating on the Balkis president and members.
What does all this tell you?
That our laws are not here to protect us. That those entrusted to enforce the law are at the personal disposal of a few. That we can be silenced. That we have no freedom of speech, no freedom of press. That our human rights are violated (think our standing just dropped a few notch down the Human Rights Watch ranking) That we still live in a climate of fear. Even a Raja can be jailed in retaliation, what chance does the average Joe Public have? So they continue to tell us Beware, what you say, think, write Mr & Mrs Rakyat Malaysia.
oh terry; RPK not responsible for his writings ?
ReplyDeleteDon't take a cheap pot shot. He already anticipated the powers-that-be to go after him.
The fact that you are ignorant of this speaks volume of your logic/basis.
By throwing RPK in jail, the Mongol Slayer merely bring ample bad press unto himself. Such dastardly acts will bring him more publicity that he cannot avoid at a time when he aspires the commander's chair. Do we need a cold-blooded murderer at the helm? Even now before he can claim the throne he is already throing people behind bars. Sad to say RPK is the first victim of such political oppression. In time to come, plenty of C4 will be thrown around and bloody bits and pieces of body parts will fly all over the godforsaken ground in Bolehland.
ReplyDeleteIt's not about the money is it really? For a man who enjoys his Havanas, RM5,000.00 shouldn't be a problem for RPK. It's a question of principle isn't it.
ReplyDeleteBut for sure. To show my solidarity with RPK, that bloggers should not be intimidated. That media should be free, I'll gladly contributed towards the bail money.
God speed RPK. You have got balls!
Good Luck to RPK for whatever that he believe in.
ReplyDeleteThings become too political when Mahfuz and Izzah show up. Then the issue will be as "noble" as Lingamgate.
Just to remind, the cameraman ends up as real politician in Lingamgate. Thats life and politics. Its never clean.
5k no hal for RPK. I guess he would like to acompany Razak baginda there.
ReplyDeleteThre would be more stories to be told after RPK out from Sg.Buluh..bet you all..
Stay there brother RPK..after all short vacation help you relinquished thirst... no hal brother.
RPK is our legend and our hero, the true Malay hero. Najib will have to dip his face into mud soon.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow or day after, when bail will be posted, RPK will step out to a waiting crowd.Cheering and haling him as a hero.Just like Mahufdz of PAS many years back.For what.. just 1 day detention.
ReplyDeletePak Samad, the most prominent journalist of our time got 5 1/2 years, and he did'nt even get any trials.Where were the defenders of civil rights, the opposition politicians,the reformers then.It took Mahathir to be PM to get him released.And years later Anwar called it a miscarriage of justice.
Today , RPK was being charged in a court of law for what he wrote.The fact that 7 prominent lawyers had come forth to defend him,only prove that they respect the institution of law and justice.
And recently did'nt everybody rejoice when PakLah called for a reform of the Judiciary.Surely all judges will now take the cue to uphold their independence and integrity.Airing out dissenting voice is one thing but damaging allegations must be substantiated with proof and evidences.
Having said this,the people should now just let the law to take its course.We cannot just throw out all the books and live by the law of the jungle.
No matter which god with worship, or what we religion we embrace, we always have this common factor;
ReplyDeleteThat God is not blind and he is fair. He judges people by the heart, not by how many times they pray a day or how many 'holy words' they have uttered.
By the way regarding the donation thing, RPK might have afforded to bail himself out but keep this in mind :
- Nobody forced you to donate. You don't want to donate it's your problem. Your money fine. Our donation is not only a mere monetarial contribution to bail him out, but to show our support to a man who is not behind bars for doing one thing, voicing his opinion.
- This donation is not organised by RPK anyway, and he refused the donation and it shall be donated to charity. It's our money which is earned by our hardwork, and we willingly give it with out own hearts for we believe it will be put to good use. We earn our RM so don't teach us how to use it.
romerz 9:52 pm,
ReplyDeleteIt's a common mistake that most people make but that's not Voltaire who said that.
In her book, "Friends of Voltaire", Evelyn Beatrice Hall aka S.G. Tallentyre, is the one who coined the famous phrase as a gestalt of the man, not specifically his words.
RPK di dakwa di bawah akta hasutan.
ReplyDeleteHa Ha aaaa.Persoalan saya ia lah siapa kan yang di hasut oleh RPK bila menulis di laman BLOG nya.Menghasut Cita untok membenghi Melayu atau menghasut India untok membenchi Cina atau menghasut Raayat Malaysia untok membenchi Kerajaan.
Who Care?.Ramai raayat Malaysia sudah melupai Kes ini.Ramai yang tidak berminat lagi.Then why Charge RPK.
Sabenarnya RPK hanya lah a pawn in the political game.The target is not RPK tapi Najib.Ada kah najib mahu RPK di tangkap.Jawab nya tidak.Ada kah Najib yang membuat laporan Polis.Jawabnya Tidak.
Banyak orang tak tahu Orang Yang Utama di sini ia lah Syed Hamid.Semua orang tahu Syed Hamid cannot see eye to eye dengan Najib.
Yang banyak susah hati di sini bukan RPK tapi Najib.Najib yang tidor tidak lena.Ia tak tahu apa kah new evident yang di beri oleh bapa Atantula kapada RPK.
Let see.
Dear Rocky ,
ReplyDeleteMay Allah give RPK the super strength . Orang2 yang dizalimi mudah Allah menerima doanya..
Let us bring back the true democracy.
THANK YOU Raja Petra Kamarudin for articulating what many of us want to voice but have no words or no COURAGE to.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for putting your own freedom on the line on behalf of most of us whose COURAGE do not extend beyond our mouths or our finger clicks.
THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to ride on your COURAGE for a mere RM1.
Cheap at the price, yet priceless.
I'd like to repeat some fighting words from your latest "NO HOLDS BARRED" that are still ringing in my ears so that they will ring in the ears of others too:
"And that [duty to the community ... to oppose all forms of evil or kemunkaran] is what I perform under the mandatory fardu kifayah. I oppose evil. But the government calls it sedition. And for my ‘crime’ of sedition they would like to send me to jail. I would not like to go to jail for grabbing the backside of a cigar girl. I would not like to go to jail for raping an underage girl. I would not like to go to jail for murdering a Mongolian woman. I would not like to go to jail for robbing the nation. But I would enjoy going to jail for fulfilling my duty as a true Muslim under the mandatory fardu kifayah."
Boy! I have to eat my words. Not good country if RPK is locked up. I still think he should be locked up for all his other previous unsubstantiated and speculative postings though.
ReplyDeleteSome how I see it as a distraction to more pressing and important issue; Pak Lah's resignation.
Pak Lah has now manage to put the heat off him and unto Najib. He must be worried his deputy is up to something. Tsk tsk tsk.
In a country where there is no leader, who is calling the shots?
Suckers! Cheh!
RPK being charged for sedition for his article on the Altantuya murder.
ReplyDeleteNow lets keep the score.
If RPK loses.He will get a jail sentence.One big nuisance out of the way.
If RPK wins.One DPM in hot soup.One big relieve from calls for transfer of power.
And while the case goes on, all eyes and ears will be focussed.One big diversion from other current hot issues.
So whose getting the big win-win situation here? You tell me .
And now they have very efficient IT forensic experts to trace your IP right to your doorstep.
Bru, if your pc gets confiscated.. gua lari balik kg jawa.
..hehehe..jangan mareh...
I hate this government! So f***cking wrong with this BN government. God, if you hear me, please curse those who puts RPK to jail. May you reserve a place in hell for them and let them rot there for eternity. That is for shrewing a man’s life, for his only mistake was to do your work.
ReplyDeletenow you all know why the crime rate has gone thru the roof? instead of protecting the citizens, they waste time on this and of course against nades and his colleague.
ReplyDeletegoodness, what is going on in this country? i just cannot understand anymore. god, help us.
RPK main wayang aje,
ReplyDeletesiap tunjuk muka kat dalam black maria tu, nak kan publisiti, simpati dan rating lebih banyak lagi. Takpe bagi dia 7 star la.
who give a shit about his bloodline!
Ini cuma nak cari publisiti..Jadi hero tak bertempat
ReplyDeleteanother attempt by the Barisan regime to muzzle investigative journalism in the blogs. this will not silence the bloggers and those who will not be intimidated by such threats by the police-Barisan conspisary.
ReplyDeletestand firm against such barisan muzzeling of a case that is being delayed and manipulated by unseen parties. the rakyat will no longer remain silent over such abuses and they will unite and blow the whistle on the lying culprits.
I certainly will not give my
ReplyDeleteMYR1.00 to the RPK cause. I'm sure his family and friends are wealthy enough to post bail or is this just a political publicity stunt?
I believe his team of lawyers and prominent supporters are also wealthy.
I would prefer to give my MYR1.00 to a homeless person, or a hungry poor child or even to Myanmar to help the people affected by the cyclone.
Since RPK got himself into this situation, then he should be man enough to bear the consquences and pay for his own defence.
Adakah saya simpati dengan RPK ?
ReplyDeleteDengan 7 peguam dan 4 orang MP mengelilingi nya adakah saya akan simpati dengan nya ? Ketidakadilan ? ini bukan tidak ketidakadilan tetapi MENIPU dan blogger2 diatas yang mempertahankanya turut MENIPU untuk mendapatkan simpati.
Inilah yang dinamakan bangsa malaysia..........
Jangan TIPU diri sendiri la.......
To those who said that RPK is speaking the TRUTH, then no need to talk much2 and please show RAKYAT MALAYSIA THE TRUTH!
Kalau RPK cakap besok KIAMAT walaupun takde PROOF, you will all losing sleep percaya this guy!
Mau 5000?? 100,000 pun saya bole bagi la. Tapi kalau BOHONG punya pasal...can kiss my A***.
Mekyam said...
ReplyDelete"And that [duty to the community ... to oppose all forms of evil or kemunkaran] is what I perform under the mandatory fardu kifayah. I oppose evil. But the government calls it sedition. And for my ‘crime’ of sedition they would like to send me to jail. I would not like to go to jail for grabbing the backside of a cigar girl. I would not like to go to jail for raping an underage girl. I would not like to go to jail for murdering a Mongolian woman. I would not like to go to jail for robbing the nation. But I would enjoy going to jail for fulfilling my duty as a true Muslim under the mandatory fardu kifayah."
Tolong lah jangan buat bidaah kat blog ni...Fardhu Kifayah apa kejadah!
Nak hukumkan sesuatu kena tau nas dan siasah nya dulu. Kalau benda tak betul...tak kan boleh jadi halal. Kalau tak tahu...baik diam. Dapat pahala.
Kepada RPK...you are fired!!
Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell
ReplyDeleteYou can keep your RM1 for your funeral. Fund exceeded expectation and no longer accepting donation (especially from a low life like you).
(The Sun) PETALING JAYA (May 6, 2008): The Bar Council today expressed shocked and disappointment today over the government's decision to charge Malaysia Today webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin with sedition.
ReplyDeleteCalling the Sedition Act 1948 an "archaic legislation which should be repealed", its president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said the Act was incompatible with Malaysian society.
"The Sedition Act is a draconian, archaic and repressive piece of legislation that has long outlived any perceived utility it may ever have had. It is incompatible with the progressive, open and democratic society that we had believed Malaysia was becoming," she said, adding that the use of such law was disconcerting and lends credence to the view that in fact the democratic space in Malaysia is still severely curtailed.
ReplyDeleteCan we draw a parallel somewhere here between Anwar's case and the charging of RPK?
In the case of Anwar, the Umi Hufilda Surat Layang and the (late) Khalid Jefri's 50 Dalil book had been circulating for almost a year.
They were were hearsays and enuendos repeatedly denied by Dr Mahathir and Anwar.
I would have remained hearsays and enuendos until Anwar's police ADC, at the behest of a half-past-six lawyer, made a police report.
Immediately what were hearsays and enuendos became official documents and what happened next amounted to Anwar shooting himself in the foot.
This could repeat itself in the RPK's case. What RPK had said about the Altantuya case was until yesterday were hearsays and allegations.
But these hearsays and allegations will be tested in court and I am sure RPK will present some very convincing arguments to support his allegations.
If he could create sufficient doubt, the case against him will fall through and his allegations become credible.
The people he accused are not on trial. But the outcome of his trial will bear on those he named in his so-called seditious writings.
For those hoping to seek protection under the Sedition Act by getting PRK charged, their action can be a double-edge sword.
Or is someone pulling the string to string up for good those named by RPK in his articles? Only time will tell.
The Lawgiver
I somehow thought of RPK when I was writing my own weblog post.
ReplyDeleteRocky's Bru,
ReplyDeleteA brilliant strategy, a poker game or an airtight allegation. These are things to be said of Raja Petra's refusal to be bailed.
According to Malaysiakini, a rival news portal, "Hearing has been fixed from Oct 6 to 10 and Raja Petra was granted a bail of RM5,000, which he refused to post, deciding instead to remain in custody until the hearing date five months from today.
"He has been taken to the Sungai Buloh prison to be remanded."
He had chosen not be be bailed. In so doing, he is telling his accusers (the Government of Malaysia) and his jailers that I am so sure of my allegations that I am prepared to wait here in jail where someone can kill me if he or she wants.
I hope nobody kills Raja Petra. But he has to watch his back. Remember Anwar Ibrahim's black eye?
Raja Petra and his supporters have the 5K for the bail. But that's not the issue. He can go out on bail and run away. No, Raja Petra wants to stay put and prove before the judge that he was not lying.
Now the onus is on the AG to make up a case that neither Paja Petra nor his lawyers can create a reasonable. But thus AG is not known for putting up watartight casas. Refer to the Eric Chia casa and the yo-yo Kasitah Gadam case. It does not surprise me that some black hands will force the AG to withdraw the case.
This is an important case. It is an indirect trial of the people accused by Raja Petra in his posting/postings.
Shaun Lee
Am surprised to know that there are morons (bodohs) out there thinks that RPK cant raise RM5k bail? Within hours, RM25k been raised, he is just trying to make a statements la...........morons! He does need your money!
ReplyDeleteWe must take off our hats to him!
If anyone were to relate Islam better to me, he will be no other then RPK.
ReplyDeleteThanks to RPK, i 've learnt to understand Islam better, I hv gained much insights of "fardu kifayah" value.
From now onwards, i would conduct my special prayers to RPK and family for his safety and may GodSpeed his release.
To most Anon who posted here, Walk with RPK donation drive is a symbolic gestures that we the RAKYAT are the force behind RPK not in terms of monetery but our common call for Justice. Don't u guys get it !.
Our fight for Justice does not limit with Altantuya's case but all the poor Rakyats currently being Suppressed.
Whoever the guilt party shall be sent to HEAVEN very soon. RPK got it wrong.
Tsk, tsk...dear aunty/uncle Rosmajib and geng,
ReplyDeleteDon't come into blog comments section and type in all caps. I know lah, you are all a bit desperate these days...but have some decorum ler.
you want to fight the system? hehe..makan nasi kawah lah awak!!
If RPK says he has proof (as of today's news), he has nothing to worry about. If he does not, well... what can i say.
ReplyDeleteAs someone quoted: "He writes a tame article about Najib and Rosmah, that too backed by information revealed in sworn court testimony, and the sedition act is thrown at him."
So who is the bad guy here actually?
ReplyDeleteSad to hear that RPK is victim of selective prosecution.BN still DONT learn from last GE..
I'll put in my contribution for RPK fund and hope all Malaysians who believe in freedom of speech to do so..
this is not seditious case to begin with. najib and his cohort can launch defamation suit as the article indeed defaming him by implicating him in the case. but seditious, do you feel hate to the gov, to the coutnry, to start riot ? hate yes, but to the murderer who probably not najib, who knows. so is it seditious to hate a murderer ? there's a kidnap-murder case recently, so is it seditious to hate the culprit and we should forgive and let the absuctor scot free ,......
ReplyDeleteJust as RPK put up a request for RM1 donation, the other side have put up request to get their supporters who now have less things to do other than earn some money surfing blogs to 'balance the views'.
ReplyDeleteLike I said before, moron or not only their own concience can tell or for those mentally challenged enough not to know, then god bless you.
Just as everyone have the right to post comments, there should be some respect on freedon for expression otherwise don't bother posting lah!
Raja Penipu Kaum (PKR) should go to HELL for fitnah. May GOD burn him in HELL, amin.
ReplyDeleteSiapa yang takut sekarang?
ReplyDeleteSiapa yang tengah risau?
Siapa yang berjalan dan merasakan masyarakat memandang mereka dengan penuh kecurigaan?
Siapa yang memerlukan simpati?
Siapa yang sanggup ke Sungai Buloh?
Siapa yang nak jadi Perdana Menteri?
Aku tak paham kenapa masih ada orang yang admire RPK...
ReplyDeleteDah sah sah this guy kena saman RM2juta..
Tak cukup lagi ka prove nak tunjukkan RPK kaki temberang besar..
Berapa banyak temberang dia dah buat masih ada org nak percaya..
Atau pun orang tak kisah as long as RPK saja yang berani terpeki terlolong sorang2..
Asalkan agenda politik korang tercapai..
Hopefully choose the person in the last PRU12..
Not this kind of people like RPK..
My gut feelings told me RPK intentionally put himself in a situation where he can relocate into Sungei Buloh just so he can meet up with Razak Baginda in person and get the firsthand scoop on the story from the mouth of the horse itself. Once he is released from the slammers you can bet he RPK will be the first to shake the earth in Bolehland with the No 1 BOMBSHELL story of the new millenium, post GE2008.
ReplyDeleteKeep your fingers crossed on the X-Files exposure in Malaysia that may lead to the imminent fall of a neo-Nazi UMNOputra leader - the great pretender to the throne.
If you are a regular reader of RPK's website, you would probably think it is no surprise this has happened. I support him in the interest of freedom of speech but he needs to take responsibility to what was written. If there is whole truth and nothing but the truth in what was written, then he has nothing to fear. What i failed to understand is the need to get the public to be involved to contribute to his bail money...jeez..sendiri buat sendiri tanggung la..
ReplyDeleteMasih banyak lagi orang yang "Buta Hati"
ReplyDeleteApa nak buat, memang nasib mereka seperti luncai terjun dengan labu labunya
Pengorbanan RPK adalah untuk keadilan, yang benar mesti di sokong bukan di perkechilkan
Kalau kita menyokong perbuatan yang zalim bermakna kita bersekongkong dengan mereka
Membuta tuli menyokong perbuatan yang zalim akan menggelapkan hati sesaorang itu ke lembah kehancuran
"power usurper said...
ReplyDeleteMy gut feelings told me RPK intentionally put himself in a situation where he can relocate into Sungei Buloh just so he can meet up with Razak Baginda in person and get the firsthand scoop on the story from the mouth of the horse itself. Once he is released from the slammers you can bet he RPK will be the first to shake the earth in Bolehland with the No 1 BOMBSHELL story of the new millenium, post GE2008....."
How are you so sure that RPK is being held in Sungai Buloh? He could, instead, be held up in Bukit Aman? Kemunting? Simpang Rengam? or ??????? just to trick us!
anyone able to print some T-shirts with the "FREE R.P.K" logo / pics?
ReplyDeleteHe already accepted the bail after 2 days...
ReplyDeleteTak tahan ooo..Mlm ni mlm jumaat
nonymous said...
ReplyDeleteanyone able to print some T-shirts with the "FREE R.P.K" logo / pics?
11:17 AM
Why Free RPK? He can be free but chose to be detained (refuse to be bailed out) Ini semua wayang suami isteri! Can't you all see what RPK is trying to do to Malaysia!!
Wakmasnoor said...
ReplyDeleteI dont see the needs to APPEAL FROM THE SUFFERING RAKYAT for money to put RPK on bail...........
Stop begging and be like a man you so often used to describe yourself are.
Agree with u 100%....
lets send who sent RPK to jail to the HELL...